The FHA Board President and the FHA Service Group Board
Presidents met on June 13th with several representatives of
Brightspeed. Brightspeed is planning to set up an email address
to address your questions. The planned email address


Now that summer is here, make sure your pets have plenty of water and use caution when walking them on asphalt, which can become extremely hot on their paws. In addition, please leash your pets and always pick up after them.
Snakes, including copperheads, are a fact of life in Fearrington Village. They are best left alone, undisturbed. Snake bites almost always occur when the snake is inadvertently disturbed, so your best bet is to try to avoid them altogether. For more information, see our website:


The 2024 Weathersfield Annual General Meeting is Saturday,
November 2, at the Gathering Place. Featured topics include the 2024 Reserve Study, Insurance challenges, Weathersfield and owner property and plat responsibilities, and the WSG Board composition. These are important and necessary items that need to be addressed. For more detailed information, always visit our website:




Pressure Washing Begins June 17 in Weathersfield

Weathersfield Service Group VI has contracted with Southern Outdoor Restoration to pressure wash homes and garages in Weathersfield between June 17 and June 27.  Please download and read the attached document for more information, including when your home is scheduled to be pressure washed and what you need to do to get ready for it.

Please note that the front porches (painted wood) will not be pressure washed.

Pressure Washing Notification

Go to this webpage to see a map showing when your home is scheduled to be pressure washed:

Go to this webpage for detailed information of the pressure washing process:


Notice for Spring Pruning (May 22 – 31, 2024)

Ruppert Landscape will be pruning in WSG starting Wednesday, May 22 to Friday, May 31, on a Close-by-Close basis, weather permitting. This includes bushes, shrubs, and small trees on both personal property and in Common Areas, especially around parking areas.

The plan is to start on May 22nd beginning in the Common Areas of each Close starting near the Grove and working down to Swim and Croquet. This should take 2 to 3 days to complete.

Once the Common Areas have been completed, Ruppert will start pruning on private property starting May 29th, again starting at the Grove. Weather permitting, this should take 2 to 3 days.

If some Common Areas were missed, Ruppert will complete pruning in those areas after private property has been completed.

Hopefully, pruning should be completed by the first week of June.

Plastic bags with colored marking tape will be distributed to each Close and placed on a bench in the Common or with one of your neighbors. Please check the bench or with your neighbors to obtain the tape. It is important that you use the tape to identify any plants that are on your private property that you DO NOT want Ruppert to prune. Anything NOT marked will be pruned.

Once Ruppert has finished in your Close, please remove the tape from your plants and leave any unused tape on the bench in your Close for pickup.

NOTE:  per Ruppert’s contract, the crew will not prune beyond the HVAC system or behind residences. The crew has been instructed not to go beyond these points.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation,

David L. Piet, Landscape Chair

WSG Board of Directors Issues Ramp Guidelines

Guidelines for obtaining approval from the WSG Board to build a ramp to access a home have been issued by the Board. A copy of those guidelines can be found on this website at WSG Ramp Guide or from the above menu at Documents/Guidelines for Homeowners.  This document should be signed and submitted with the Request for Property Modification Approval form when a homeowner is requesting approval to install a ramp to their home.

Official website of the Weathersfield Service Group